Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Domino 8 Web Access synchronization troubleshooting tips

Few issues we faced when upgrading Domino mail server to Version 8 and solutions are below.

Scenario : Primary mail servers are in a secured environment. A separate server is maintained for web mail access. This server replicates the mail boxes from primary servers.

Issue 1. New mail read marks are not replicated.
Solution : Need to manually enable the replication of the unread marks in database properties

Open the mail box in Lotus Client and go to File -> Application -> Properties and select the last tab.

The default setting for "Replicate unread marks" is "Never". Change this is to "Clustered Servers Only" or "All Servers" depending on your environment. Once these settings are replicated to the Webmail Server, the unread marks will be properly replicated.

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