Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Having problems installing the Blackberry Desktop Manager 4.3 or Lotus Notes on Vista?

Installing anything on Vista is a pain. I tried installing the BB manager on a Vista Business Laptop. Installation went through but with some errors. Following files failed to register GW.dll, GWApi.dll, desktopSetup_pb.dll, SyncAE_pb.dll. And without these files the BB Desktop Manager refused to start. Installing in Administrator login also gave the same problem. This turns out to be a incorrect ACLs on some registry hives. To correct this problem see the instructions on http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/2006/09/04/739820.aspx Download and install this small app and follow the instructions. Once the script was run the software installed without any errors.

Incidentally this corrected some problems I had running Lotus Notes 8.0 client too. All I had to do was to run a fresh installation on the existing installation which repaired few registry access issues and now its working fine too.

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